Below are images of the model as of 05-08-08

What's been done so far:
Side tracking a little bit from the ramps, I've gone ahead and built the remaining skin sections and placed them at the gate 4 section. I've also added the gate 4 portal (windows are wrong but I'll fix that later).

Next I'll start laying out the ramps in the gate 4 area....

 Iconic view of the gate 4 portal. I'm going to have to redo the clubhouse entry since some plans of this area have become available. Wide angle shot. Looks like I need to move the "Yankee Stadium" portal text back a little. Right field side.  Overall progress.

Below are images of the model as of 04-23-08

What's been done so far:
I've mirrored the right field straight stand section over to left field. I still need to research the building skin on the other side. I only have good images from 1923 and I'm sure things changed over the years.

Next I'll start laying out the ramps....

 Both straight grandstand sections from the bleachers. From above. Right field outer skin sections. I'll need to find some good photos to make it accurate. View through a portal on left field upper deck. View from right field upper deck. View from mezzanine level.

Below are images of the model as of 03-28-08

What's been done so far:
Nearing completion of the straight stand section on the right field side. The upper deck exterior panels are done. I've added some of the railing for the upper deck. It's a little confusing because most of the photos I have are dead on shots that don't show the separation of the railings on the main isle in front of the portals. It also appears the railings changed over the years. The clearest shots I have are from 1923. Finally, the facade straight sections are in place. I don't have any real closeup shots of the stanchions, so I may be missing some detail.

Next, I'll mirror this to the left field side and build the rest of the skin....

 Upper deck skin panels. From a lower angle. The straight sections of the facade. Closer. When the lights get installed, some of the flagpoles will disappear. Ground level shot. Ground level, from a different angle. Upper deck view. Looks like I need to move the roof back to seal to the walls. Another view from the upper deck. Under the facade. Long shot. Overall progress.