Below are images of the model as of 01-24-09
What's been done so far:
I've added the ticket booths to gate 6 and the "Yankee Stadium" text above gate 4.
Next; Elevator shafts on the roof, maybe some gate signage.
Gate 6 ticket booths.
Yankee Stadium letters on upper deck building skin.
Below are images of the model as of 01-23-09
What's been done so far:
I've built a typical ticket booth. In researching these, I noticed at least three different booth
styles. The ones shown here are the original 1923 models. There was also a less ornate version
at that time and later on an even less adorned ones. For now, I'm just sticking with the 1923 model.
Next; Install the gate 6 ticket booths.
With no drawings for reference, I had to rely on photos, so I'm not sure how dimensionally accurate these are.
Early on the ticket booths had black bases. Later images show a skirt that went all the way to the ground.
Gate 4 ticket booths installed.
There were signs on the ticket booths above the window. I need to find a good closeup image of one of these.
Below are images of the model as of 12-07-08
What's been done so far:
I've completed the façade wrap-around sections and the end railings for the upper deck and mezzanine sections. The scrollwork
along the wrap-around facade section was difficult, since I had no detailed photos or drawings of this area.
Next; Finish the roof and add ticket the booths.