Below are images of the model as of 02-10-09
What's been done so far:
The ticket booth price signs have been added. The message board below the Longines clock at gate 4 has also been added.
Thanks again to Dennis Concepcion for his work on the texture maps for both the ticket booth signs and the message board.
Next; Light towers.
Gate 6 ticket booths. $1.50 general admission, $3.00 reserved and $4.00 fox box seats!
Gate 4 ticket booths.
Gate 4 message board.
Below are images of the model as of 02-03-09
What's been done so far:
Gate signage has been added.
Next; The second elevator tower and roof vents.
Gate 4.
Gate 6.
Gate 2.
Overall progress.
Below are images of the model as of 02-02-09
What's been done so far:
I've added the Longines clock above gate 4 and build the elevator tower on the right field roof.
Next; The second elevator tower, vents and gate signs.
Longines clock, gate 4. As soon as I can find a decent texture map
for the long electronic sign that went below the clock, I'll add that too.
Elevator shaft shack.